Pathogenesis & Immunology

PP081 The role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of rabies maintained in bat genus Eptesicus sp and Myotis sp

Iana Suly Santos Katz

PP082 Rabies antibody titers in dogs of Lima, Peru: factors potentially affecting herd immunity and vulnerability to rabies re-establishment

Olimpia Chuquista Alcarraz

Progress Towards the Goal of Zero by 2030

PP083 Animal Rabies Information System (AnRIS) – computerizing and improving rabies surveillance

Fabíola Maria de Girão Lima

PP084 Retrospective analysis of the epidemiological situation of rabies in the province of Córdoba, Argentina

Florencia Buteler

PP085 World Rabies Day: Pasteur Institute of open doors

Helena Beatriz de Carvalho Ruthner Batista

PP086 Real-time genomic surveillance: a new opportunity for rabies control and elimination in Latin America

Kirstyn Brunker

PP087 Strengthening of wild rabies surveillance through health education for surveillance professionals in Serra da Ibiapaba, Ceará Brazil: experience report

Naylê Francelino Holanda Duarte

PP088 Supporting WHO and OIE in the development of a rabies-specific toolbox for bridging IHR and PVS

Anna Fahrion

PP089 Importance of antirabic vaccination and environmental education for animals and community health, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil

Victória Forte Viana

PP090 Challenges and concerns towards rabies elimination in Pakistan

Waqas Ahmad

Vaccines & Antivirals

PP093 Coverage of animal antirabic vaccination campaigns in Roraima, Brazil

Maria Soledade Garcia Benedetti

PP094 Easy access technology at the service of anti-rabies vaccination campaigns for dogs and cats in Recife, PE, Brazil

Nathalia Alves Castro do Amaral

Wildlife Rabies & Control

PP095 Saguis aggressions (Callithrix jacchus) to humans and the risk of rabies transmission, Ceará, Brazil, 2007-2018

Ana Carolina da Silva Monteiro

PP096 In vitro characterization of rabies virus samples isolated from wild and domestic canines

Ana Lee Aparecida Francisco

PP097 Rabies virus exposure in the small Indian mongoose across Puerto Rico: preliminary results

Are Berentsen

PP099 On the frontlines: wildlife rehabilitators in the fight against rabies in the Americas

Bonnie Gulas-Wroblewski

PP100 Analysis of sampling practices and geographical distribution of bovine rabies in Rio Grande do Sul in 2019

Bruno Egidio Cappelari

PP101 Rabies in Brazilian wild cats: current panorama

Caio Henrique de Oliveira Carniatto

PP102 Complete sequence of the genome of the rabies virus from Potos flavus in Peru

Carina Rosario Mantari Torpoco

PP103 Description and analysis of rabies virus Variant 1 presentation in foxes in the department of Magdalena, Colombia, from 2006 to 2018

Daniela Angulo Mora

PP104 Neutralizing antibodies to rabies virus in terrestrial wildlife from Brazil (2008-2017)

Felipe Fornazari

PP105 Health education as a tool for the understanding of schoolchildren about rabies transmitted by marmosets (Callithrix jacchus; white-tufted-ear marmoset), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil

Natália Maria Sousa Falcão

PP106 Epidemiological characteristics of rabies in wild mammals, Ceará, Brazil, 2003-2019

Raphael William Ponte Neres

PP107 Epidemiological profile of anti-rabies post-exposure care from wild animals’ aggressions in Pernambuco, Brazil

Rita de Cassia Carvalho Maia

PP108 Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR): updates, obstacles, and plans for the United States’ rabies surveillance system

Sarah Bonaparte

PP109 Epidemiology of rabies in saguis (Callithrix jacchus) in Ceará, Brazil, 2015-2019

Sthefany Cristine Bandeira Melo

PP110 Sylvatic rabies cases and resulting exposures to humans and domestic animals in Colorado from 2016-2019

Vanessa Slack

PP111 Epidemiology of rabies in non-human primates in Northeast Brazil, 2015-2020

Vitória Senna Sá Esteves